Big News from Rhubarb Cottage . . . .

Rhubarb Cottage

It feels very strange to be writing this but after seven wonderful years we are actually leaving Rhubarb Cottage.

I still can't quite believe it.  

It's not easy to say.  Our hearts have been completely tied up in this house.  Our first owned home together, it's the cottage where we brought our two babies home from the hospital and we've lots of precious memories of time here with loved ones who have since passed away.  It's also where Rhubarb & Hare was born!  

But as a growing family, including the ever growing not-so-miniature pup, we need a bit more space.  We couldn't contemplate leaving our gorgeous village so when a bigger house up the road became available we had to jump at the opportunity.

So we're off, only up the road - literally a hop, skip and a jump away.  It's a very different house.  No beams, or wonky walls and it needs some updating, but I'm so excited about it and already daydreaming about what curtains to go in it!  You wont be surprised to know mood boards for each room have already begun (46 slides and counting) and I'll be blogging about it separately on a new blog for those who want to follow along each step of the way.  If you'd like to join us for the journey you can either follow us on instagram @hare_house_tales or via our blog