The Most Perfectly Sized Cake Plate - Make Every Day An Occasion

Introducing the world's most perfectly sized and beautiful cake plate!
I take my afternoon tea very seriously.
In truth, I take my mid-morning tea even more seriously.
Basically I adore a ritual and there is something very precious about taking time out for a lovely hot mug of tea and a slice of homemade cake with a friend or loved one. It is one of my all time favourite things to do and I adore anything that makes this moment even more special.
If you're having a slice of cake or flapjack then you're going to want a delicious perfectly sized cake plate to use. These plates at roughly 15cm diameter are just the right size for a slab of cake and they have a slight ridge to the edge so you won't lose any precious crumbs.
I can't make up my mind what I love more - the ridges which give the plates an interesting texture or the pink glaze which is divine. A clear gloss and a matt pink gloss have been poured on to produce this lovely marbled effect where the glazes overlap, which means each plate has its very own unique pattern. Isn't that just amazing? The rim and the base of the plates have been left unglazed which creates a gorgeous contrast.
To view the plates as well as matching mugs and a beautiful pedestal cake stand click HERE
Now the next important question is what cake will you eat off it first?