The Rhubarb & Hare Spring Collection
I love Spring.
I think it is possibly my favourite season of them all.
After a cold, dark winter, the return of blue skies and bright sunshine is always most welcome. First come the daffodils with their cheery burst of yellow, then comes the blossom. Oh how I adore blossom. Especially if it's pink. I spotted a pink blossom tree just starting to bloom on our school run the other morning and nearly frightened my littles to death with the excited shriek I let out as I spotted it.
It feels so good to start opening windows on warmer days, letting the fresh air blow through. And suddenly tackling those jobs you've been thinking about all winter but finally have the chance to actually do. And I do so LOVE a Spring clean. So satisfying and cathartic and I always feel so much better afterwards.
For this year's Spring collection I've put together a curated list of items to aid that Spring clean, and bringing some freshness into the home. I've included some new scents for those wanting a lighter candle fragrance; new kitchen items, the wavy spoon and the egg separator from well-loved makers that you are already turning into bestsellers. There's a bright yellow gluggle jug for those just wanting a small colour pop in their home or a mustard mug to bring some cheer to your morning cuppa and some beautiful Spring cleaning products that will bring joy to some of the more mundane tasks.
It's a lovely collection and I hope you take the time to have a browse and see which item will bring that Spring cheer into your home.